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Waitings, Happenings, and Looking Forward (originally published 12-26-2019)


As many of you know, Mom has been surviving her Pancreatic Cancer for 5 years past her predicted 6 months of life left. The waiting has been difficult. As soon as I returned home from this last Mackinaw Quilter's Retreat she got sick and took a nosedive. She went from walking and fixing her own snacks to bedridden and being spoon-fed. It was as if the 'waiting' for it to get worse was over. For a month she was ready to leave us, then she again got back on her feet! She was slower and a little frailer, but up and around!

After several weeks she started to slow down farther. More waiting, she was still ready to go... Finally, she was down to eating only a few spoonfuls of any meal and then declaring she was full. On Saturday morning (December 21st) I got up and asked her, “Are you hungry? What would you like for breakfast”? “Yes, I am Hungry! I would like some Cream of wheat!,” Mom replied. I then decided to surprise her with her favorite chocolate milk as well. Mom finished all of her cereal AND 2 glasses of chocolate milk! She napped but was alert and so happy to see friends that stopped by while out in the door-to-door ministry. At lunch, she was asked again if she was hungry and what would she like for lunch. Yes, I am! It was decided to have tomato soup and grilled cheese, a few bites at least... OH! What else? Mega Stuffed Oreo's too! She ate the Oreo's first, life is uncertain – always eat dessert first! She finished the entire bowl of soup, practically licking the bowl clean, her grilled cheese (and the Oreo's!) I was surprised but pleased.

At supper time I expected to hear the same response but there was none. Figuring she had stuffed herself through the day, no biggie. That night Mom's kidneys shut down. On Sunday morning she was unresponsive. We kept her out of pain and at 2:45 pm she took her final breath and left us peacefully.

I am relieved to say that she is now safe in Jehovah God's memory waiting for her resurrection into a paradise!

Waiting stinks, royally. I am glad the waiting is over. For now, I am 'spring cleaning' in the house and getting ready for new changes in arranging the house to become a learning area. I have always wanted to be able to host and teach small groups to quilt, make jewelry or cards. mom and I would discuss the needed changes. Removing carpeting and setting up a smooth floor for pins, needles and jewelry bits that wouldn't be easy to pick up with carpet. Moving in new tables and bookcases for storage. Placing better lighting. Using Mom's room as a spare guest(s) room or finding a roommate. We even entertained the idea of knocking down the wall to make a large learning space! I'm glad we talked about these things together. As I make changes now, she will be a part of it!

I was so excited to have a few new things at the retreat. With taking care of Mom I wasn't able to offer my expanded pattern with the Triskeles. No worries, they work for all sorts of neat uses! I will be working again on setting up some PDF patterns and more. It will just take me a few weeks for legal stuff and renovations and I will be running with scissors!

I want to thank all that have been so kind to us over the years! You have all made such a difference in my life, I am so grateful to have you!

I hope you find future additions and changes a good move for me. Now is the time for healing, savored memories and moving forward.

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